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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2019

Cow Moorica fuck yeah shirt

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Cow Moorica fuck yeah shirt It details how the trauma affected every aspect of the lives and how they struggled to overcome it. It's a very good book, the author's father was in a Nazi camp and he grew up seeing the effects and later became a therapist specializing in trauma research.  Cow Moorica fuck yeah shirt .  I agree the shirt is in poor taste but this is innocuous compared to the media they consume or the whole meme culture around joking about suicide that teens have going on.   I just noticed at first glance. Look at the shitty show 13 Reasons Why which glorifies suicide as some sort of revenge. Listen to the lyrics of half the top 40 songs out there all about anxiety and depression and prescription drug abuse. This shirt innocuous compared to everything they’re bombarded with every day. Yes it trashy but it’s not important.  Cow Moorica fuck yeah shirt .  I guess I disagree that it’s not important. I won’t watch 13 reasons why and don’t think normal...

Drinkin Life Lincoln vintage shirt

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Drinkin Life Lincoln vintage shirt This is some textbook helicopter parent shit if I’ve ever seen it. Op is not upset because the shirt is dishonoring Kurt Cobain’s memory.  Anyone can shit on the content of that shirt (or any art) but Nirvana and Kurt Cobain have transcended music and have become a cultural icon, I doubt this girl meant to glorify Kurt’s suicide or suicide in general by wearing it.  Drinkin Life Lincoln vintage shirt .  This girl is in the middle of the quintessential “angsty” phase. She may have just liked the shirt and design and knows nirvana/Kurt are very in right now. She might even be a fan.  If I was 15 and went to see a movie with a friend, and her mom told me I had to change my shirt, I’d probably think the same thing.  Drinkin Life Lincoln vintage shirt .  Just because something is triggering for some people doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to wear it in a public place. I have PTSD and I would never expect random people t...

I'm A Gurkey Turkey shirt

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I'm A Gurkey Turkey shirt I get being upset over the shirt but she's not your child. If anything you could've brought it up afterward, or talking to her parents about it. Telling her what she can or cannot wear seems wrong in this case.  I'm A Gurkey Turkey shirt .  I think we both can agree that the Holocaust and suicide have very different impacts on particular religious and ethnic minorities and this is a false equivalency in an attempt to pull a "gotcha, bitch".  They didn't tell her what she could or could not wear, though...just told her a consequence of what she was wearing ("I'm not going to escort you to the movies in that" or a similar statement), based on OP's own moral judgment and taste, even offering her other options such as wearing one of OP's daughter's shirts.  I'm A Gurkey Turkey shirt .  OP legit made a hard choice instead of going the easy way out on their own feelings about something. It can't be e...

Vaccines Cause Adults Shirt

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Vaccines Cause Adults Shirt It may not be recognizable to the teenagers who often comment on this subreddit, but it is recognizable to your peers and the late 30s+ crowd. You were clearly uncomfortable with being associated with that shirt, and I don’t blame you. An unfortunate part of life is people often view you through the lens of the people you are associated with— and your peers would judge you for that.  Vaccines Cause Adults Shirt .  Sometimes the clothing the people wear does send a certain message, both about themselves and the people that are with them. You certainly have the right to choose what kind of message you want to send. In this case, though, it was your daughter’s friend, so things are a bit more delicate. You could have gone nuclear, said you didn’t want to take them to the movie anymore or that you didn’t want your daughter to associate with her anymore.  Vaccines Cause Adults Shirt .  I think you handled it as best you could by asking her t...

I don’t like corn dog but I do like Korn Dawg shirt

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I don’t like corn dog but I do like Korn Dawg shirt This comment sums it up perfectly. NAH—OP probably didn’t do her daughter any social favors, but it’s completely reasonable to be distraught by that shirt and OP handled it as gracefully as she could have.  I don’t like corn dog but I do like Korn Dawg shirt .  NTA - Even if I wasn't a fan of the man's work, wearing anyone's suicide note to express your rebellious teenage bullshit is offensive, truly the choice of an asshole or someone who hasn't thought enough about it to realize that they're an asshole.  Yes, it was her choice to wear it but you sure don't have to take her out wearing it.  Maybe; it depends on tone. Doesn't excuse her calling you a bitch to your daughter and skipping the movie (typical teenage temper tantrum). I'd talk to your daughter about it, and explain to her why you felt the shirt was inappropriate -and next time you see the kid, apologize.  I don’t like corn dog but I do lik...

I’m not the stepfather I’m the father that stepped up shirt

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I’m not the stepfather I’m the father that stepped up shirt Calling her a bitch was a bit much but skipping the movie seems reasonable. That’s embarrassing, and I wouldn’t want to be out with someone who I felt like was judging me.  I’m not the stepfather I’m the father that stepped up shirt.  Kids calling parents bitches to each other is entirely normal and ok. If they can't ever vent those frustrations they just get bottled up until they actually explode at their parents instead of just bad mouthing in private.  Just ‘cuz she wasn’t your daughter doesn’t mean she gets a pass on dressing inappropriately. If, for example, you were taking her to a nice dinner place you wouldn’t be out of line to ask her to change out of her pajamas. Imagine the reaction in this sub if it was a MAGA hat or something instead smh.  I’m not the stepfather I’m the father that stepped up shirt .  I get why there are mixed reactions here, I just think it’s the degree of it. People wh...

Luke Voit shirt

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Luke Voit shirt Plus, it's fairly aggressive to "dress code" another person's 15-year-old. IMO this is a situation where you might not like something but you recognize it's not something you are in charge of.  Luke Voit shirt .  Assuming that it’s for “shock value”. It could very well be just an angsty teen showing how she relates to the concept of a tortured misunderstood soul but doing it in a very clumsy way... Which is sort of expected when it comes to dumb teens.  YTA, you may not agree with the shirt but it's not offensive enough to warrant your reaction, especially considering it's not your daughter. You're going to watch a movie in the dark, not appear on live TV or something.  Luke Voit shirt .  What do you mean it's not offensive? It's Kurt Cobain's suicide note. What counts as offensive enough? I agree OP shouldn't have handled it the way they did but you can't blame them for not wanting to be seen in public with someo...

RIP Fredo shirt

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RIP Fredo shirt NTA, if she wants to wear some so edgy like that then she shouldn’t get butthurt when people don’t want to be seen with her. It’s disgusting someone is making money off of someone’s suicide by putting their last letter on a shirt.  RIP Fredo shirt .  I'm newly 16, and although I can understand teenage angst, however, this isn't it. It's a bad decision, and guess what kids make plenty of them. I can't police her feelings, I understand why she would feel weird, but calling you a bitch was unnecessary.  sounds like she's a trashy influence for your daughter anyways. Her friend may not be yours but you're still a figure for authority and deserve respect like any other human being. Her telling your daughter in that manner goes to show that she needs a lot of lessons learned and growing up to do..it's not even about the shirt anymore but something deeper. That shirt sounds in very poor taste and makes light of a serious issue.  RIP Fredo shirt ....

Orange Cassidy shirt

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Orange Cassidy shirt It's like I said to someone else. I can't dictate if my friends wear something offensive or not. I can choose to not be around them if they are wearing that offensive item. The mom just used that same right.  Orange Cassidy shirt .  I bet if this was a black mom, and the child was wearing a MAGA hat, and the mom asked to do this same thing, no one would have a problem with it.  The shirt is in poor taste- she may not be your child but she was about to park her behind in your car and you were gonna waste gas on her so I feel like the floor was open for you to give your opinion.  I honestly would have asked her to wear a jacket rather than just straight change 🤔 or I would have called her parents before we left and explained that the shirt seems in poor taste and while you don’t mind taking her to the movies with you and your daughter you wanted to let them know that you asked her to change/wear a jacket.  Orange Cassidy shirt .  If t...

Frog and Toad fuck the police shirt

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Frog and Toad fuck the police shirt You don't have a right to tell other people's kids what they can or cannot wear. I could maybe understand if the shirt had lots of obvious profanity or was covered in dicks, but that was not the case here. You had to look closely and google to find out what it was.  Frog and Toad fuck the police shirt .  The shirt sounds tacky as hell but seriously, pick your battles. Sure, you had the right to ask her to change, and you had the right to be uncomfortable with the shirt. But do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?  You made things awkward between your daughter and her friend. You probably came across as overbearing and nitpicky. Your daughter isn't going to want you hanging around her or her friends if this is how you behave.  Frog and Toad fuck the police shirt .  I agree that the shirt is tasteless. But is it really worth alienating your teenager? She's going to end up withdrawing from you if you keep doing stu...

Teacher cactus not a hugger shirt

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Teacher cactus not a hugger shirt She's 15 and that shirt was in very poor taste. As someone who used to be 15, I look back and appreciate the times older adults pointed out that my behavior or clothes were offensive or rude. When I was 10 I made a tombstone Halloween costume out of an old box. My Father forbids me to wear it because our neighbor had cancer. As a ten-year-old, I didn't get it. Now I do. You're good!  Teacher cactus not a hugger shirt .  Normally I would say YTA but because it's a shirt that has a suicide note on it NTA. My reasoning for this is because people are glorifying mental illness and turning a person's suicide note into a fashion trend? That's a big no from me.  You are actually the one setting a bad example for your daughter, her friend, and other kids. You are teaching them to not only judge others based on appearances, but you're also teaching them that it's ok to impose their will on someone else because they don't li...

Future Ladies' Man Current Mama's Boy Shirt

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Future Ladies' Man Current Mama's Boy Shirt I found offensive and I was chaperoning I'd 100% ask them to change or wear a coat. Rebellious is a fine thing to be, but the rebellion has consequences. Most of these YTA votes are clearly teenagers themselves.  Future Ladies' Man Current Mama's Boy Shirt .  You were doing the girls a favor and found the shirt in poor taste. You were within your rights to request a change of clothes as a condition of taking them, and she was within her rights in deciding against it.  Can I just say that even though I do think YTA here, you are handling the comments with grace, and I respect that?  I would not escort a child around to a movie wearing something so ridiculously disrespectful and tasteless. All the idiots on this thread might want to consider if the girl was wearing an Anne Frank or Swastika shirt, whether or not they would voluntarily March chapel chaperoning that kid.  Future Ladies' Man Current Mama's Boy Shirt ...

Cows You don't have to be crazy to work here we'll train you shirt

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Cows You don't have to be crazy to work here we'll train you shirt I usually don't care about appearances. I was just worried that someone that has been through that situation would see the shirt and feel that I was flippant about the tragedy. I don't want to say too much but it's kinda job-related.  Cows You don't have to be crazy to work here we'll train you shirt .  That's understandable, but unless there was a high chance of someone you work with (who wouldn't believe your explanation if you tried to give one) seeing you guys there, your priorities are still kind of in the wrong place/ you could have reacted better. Also please don't think I'm trying to paint you as an awful person. I'm not, all humans over think/handle things wrong/ make mistakes sometimes. We never stop learning. Maybe this can be a lesson for you and the children both on how to more appropriately handle disagreements/ differences.  Cows You don't have to be ...

I get us out of trouble shirt

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I get us out of trouble shirt You overstepped your bounds. She’s not your child, and most people weren’t going to read her shirt, especially not while sitting in a dark movie theater. It’s good to tell her how you feel about the shirt, but not your place to tell her if she can wear it.  I get us out of trouble shirt .  I'm not able o come up with any reasonable thought that justifies your action... if it was something insane like a Nazi shirt, then we could have a discussion.  NAH OP your POV makes sense and in your situation, if I had recognized the shirt I would have done the same thing. It's kind of brutal the way things turned out though, but what can you do. It doesn't make you a bitch, it just means you care about your appearance.  I would have given her a sweater if I had a spare one for her to wear until we got into the theater.  If it was your friend I would say you're TA because at that point they're an adult and make their own decisions.  I ge...

I get us into trouble shirt

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I get us into trouble shirt Not your kid, so not your business what she wears. 2. Even if she was your responsibility- they were going to a movie. No one is going to be craning their neck in the dark to read her shirt. That you needed to embarrass and attempt to control someone else’s kid to such a ridiculous extent makes me think you might need to do some serious self-evaluation.  I get us into trouble shirt .  And if you had to lean in to see, on closer inspection, what the t-shirt said, then others - from a distance - would not have been able to read it either. Not your child, not your problem. If you caught the girls actively discussing suicide as a solution, yes - by all means, there you could get involved. But a t-shirt?  You acted like a child to an actual child. Kids are edgy, they’re going to do things like wear “inappropriate” shirts because it makes them feel good/like they have some control over their life. Kurt Cobain's suicide note is not hated speech— an...

I fucking love my asshole husband shirt

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I fucking love my asshole husband shirt I will, my friend, and I already liked The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation page on FB just now. As a matter of fact, the Foundation is in Sherman Oaks which is pretty close, about 5-6 miles from where I live. I hope to visit the Foundation someday. Take care!  I fucking love my asshole husband shirt   Anna Sabrina Gamba, I do what I can to support his amazing work. But just following him and giving him moral support is very important. Have a good night.  Connie Drake Jolley That's not correct, Thai people don't eat dog, they respect them usually and find it really disgusting to eat dog meat, but some neighboring countries do eat it, Vietnam for example. There is a problem with greedy people in Thailand capturing street dogs and exporting them to these countries though, but it is quite rare. Please inform yourself before accusing.  I fucking love my asshole husband shirt .  Judith Marie Please close your trap already...

Don't be a Richard Cranium Shirt

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Don't be a Richard Cranium Shirt It's a shame as I would love to visit China but I would end up in prison. Glad to know that Thailand is still possible though.  Nosh-t! Looks like I touched a nerve. Saying I hope they don't is racist? How about anyone who does that to dogs is a monster no matter where they live! It's about the dogs not fragile egos or any place. Thanks for being an adult.  Don't be a Richard Cranium Shirt .  Lol, lots of triggered Thais in here. People, please read carefully and understand before flaming her. She said "HOPE they don't...", she didn't say you folks torture and eat dog, she just HOPED you don't do it in your country like some other Asian countries.  Ppl are so quick to insult or pick a fight. I love Dodo. It's about animal advocacy, not hate. But I guess some very bored or argumentative ppl come here too. Been very involved in Marc Ching's crusade to end that trade. That energy is well spent.  Don'...

Just a good nurse with a hood playlist shirt

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Just a good nurse with a hood playlist shirt Thai people, period, DON'T practice, participate or even anticipate in eating dogs. They DON'T even include dog meats in their menus or cookbooks. And there are no dog meat markets or dog meat restaurants or as such. Of course, some.   Just a good nurse with a hood playlist shirt .  As ians do practice eating dogs and are even worldwide famous in doing so ,such as in some part of Southwest China that people there even have the festival of celebrating tortured cooking, boiling live dogs and hanging cooked dogs ( which also displayed in front of the restaurants ) and there are a large number of people enjoying eating their varieties of dishes of dogs' meat as often seen in the news such as.  Just a good nurse with a hood playlist shirt .  The Daily Mail. Also, some practicing of eating dogs is in South Korea and Vietnam.I'm not sure about North Korea, though, since Kim Jong Un will definitely not allow people and/or touri...

Dallas Cowboys We Dem boyz shirt

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Dallas Cowboys We Dem boyz shirt There aren't any chicken bones in that. Are we all not watching the same video! And no ask vet dogs or cats should not be fed chicken with bones! It's common sense. Why take the chance. Just don't do it!  Dallas Cowboys We Dem boyz shirt .  My only thing is... there are a lot of stray dogs running around, not only in the US but everywhere.. if its a situation were we can't afford to feed them how do we help them? I will say tho I am pretty sure that mom has gone many nights w/o food so the babies could eat.  I wish all. people wud have done all that. Some people.hit animals with stones. When they just come near to their them while they r having something to eat. Animals.r a great lesson for humans to learn about love affection and care.  Dallas Cowboys We Dem boyz shirt .  That look of love at the end is so precious. Nice guy. Hope they don't torture and eat dogs in Thailand! That business must be wiped off the face of the ear...

I’m the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet shirt

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I’m the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet shirt Lindsay Jefferson, I know loads of people that have very little on their Facebook page also and use it for connecting with messenger and sending an FB message to those who don’t have messenger .........some I know also started FB and didn’t like this soc ial media and had posted little but didn’t clear their account in case they decide to go back on but they too have little on FB.......... I’m the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet shirt . I watch Dr. Phil also...........I’m not judgmental and took this fellows post as a really uplifting FUNtastic post and love the geese story and will stick with that view.  You say you love animals, yet you are so clueless, you don't know licensed wildlife rehabilitators exist. Beyond ignorant,& that you are ok with this animal experimentation says a lot.  I’m the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet shirt .  Lisa Hertel, firstly you are a very very rude individual in expressing your point of...