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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2020

MD 20/20 I Survived 2020 Once I Can Do It Again Shirt

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MD 20/20 I Survived 2020 Once I Can Do It Again Shirt It is obvious how thankful the dog is with the guy who rescued him. I will never ever understand how some people can abandon a pet. They are part of the family; they have MD 20/20 I Survived 2020 Once I Can Do It Again Shirt . What a wonderful wonderful thing you did for this dog. He is so beautiful too. I wish he was mine, and someone puts him on an island to let him die a slow death. That breaks my heart! I really really hate the people who abandoned this poor dog. I'm happy he has been rescued and pray he will get him forever home. Thankyou you lovely man. What a beautiful dog how anybody could leave him there is disgusting if you hadn’t found him I hate to think what would happen. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Stop Calling 911 On The Culture Shirt

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Stop Calling 911 On The Culture Shirt I want to say to the man that saved this dog thank you for saving this dog from that island I don't understand why a family would leave such a cute dog to die on an island if you weren't there he still is Stop Calling 911 On The Culture Shirt  on that island and might of died on that island again thank you from my heart for save that dog and thank you to the people that help him to him that dog out at the same place for dogs I hope that dog has a home so he can be loved a lot and be safe too. What a beautiful rescue story. To the people who abandoned this poor dog, you should be ashamed and punished severely. What goes around comes around. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

I Love Peeing Outside Vintage Shirt

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I Love Peeing Outside Vintage Shirt That's good the cat that's that animals are faithful to their owners and that's good if something were to happen to him on the walk that cat would never late leave his side it's a writer with him if he had to protect that's what he would do. I have an I Love Peeing Outside Vintage Shirt  that always follows me to the store, and she waits outside till I finish then she meows and looks at me and walks me back home. Who said cats are arrogant and cold. Soooo many cats are loyal to humans. At least cats won’t betray their friends! Cats are grateful to humans. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

If It Involves Books And Pajamas Count Me In Shirt

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If It Involves Books And Pajamas Count Me In Shirt The miracle of life is astounding! Saving these little puppies proves there are still good, decent people in the world, in spite of so much negativity and bad actions of others. I remember this video from a while ago and I think it’s amazing that this man helped this baby live! If It Involves Books And Pajamas Count Me In Shirt ! This happens all the time. They aren't actually dead. It's just like popping a human baby on the butt. Sometimes they just need a little help getting started. I'm glad the dog is life but as I always say adopt don't shop don't support backyard breeders in it for the money. But bless you for saving the puppy but not for breeding your dog. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Anbrew Jackson Vintage Drink Beer Shirt

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Anbrew Jackson Vintage Drink Beer Shirt I just love to read your stories and watch videos. It tells me there is still humanity in this world. That all the changes that are taking place, and not all of them good by any means, these are still some humanity left. Thank you for Anbrew Jackson Vintage Drink Beer Shirt  I know she is so thankful for you! I helped my mom a birth her 9 and still have all of them 7 years later. What a beautiful boxer and pups you did a good job there bringing the pup to breathe, just 1 hour later, she was in there feeding, fantastic bunch, hope you find very good homes for them. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Beer Clinton Vintage Drink Beer Shirt

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Beer Clinton Vintage Drink Beer Shirt A suction ball for newborns is one of the best things you can use on baby animals if used properly with breathing and rubbing. I worked for an awesome vet back in the late ’80s and saved a lot of puppies and kittens. I had Beer Clinton Vintage Drink Beer Shirt  at the effort to save this pup. I also had tears in my eyes for babies aborted at birth. If only they had someone like this man to fight for their life. Thank you for bringing the precious baby back to life. And giving her a chance at a happy and life filled with love and tummy rubs. There was a kitty got stuck and the cat stopped pushing so the kitty stopped moving after that my sis pulled the kitty out. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

T-rex Hates Backstroke Vintage Shirt

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T-rex Hates Backstroke Vintage Shirt What you did for that little puppy was so great it made me have a lump in my throat it was so good of you for what you did for that little puppy bless you you have a heart of gold so happy for both you was the puppy yours. Lovely to see T-rex Hates Backstroke Vintage Shirt  comes to life! I wonder though if Mom would have stimulated the pup if the man hadn't been there. I have a great tip here get s little whiskey and gently rub on the chest of the puppy it as always worked I have saved 2 great Dane pups and german shepherds give the same massage it really helps clear the airways. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Woodrow Wasted Vintage Drink Beer Shirt

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Woodrow Wasted Vintage Drink Beer Shirt I am so happy for them that they managed to bring the puppy in life. The right way to actually resuscitate suffocating puppies once they are born is to place them in the palms of your hands, head facing the ends of your fingers, Woodrow Wasted Vintage Drink Beer Shirt . You can also shake them a bit head facing down but secure the neck. The puppies have the water from the placenta in their lungs due to prolonged birth time and this way you get the water from the lungs and they should start breathing on their own, no CPR needed. I am studied, veterinary nurse. This method may sound strange, but it is actually the right way to do it. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Ben Drankin Vintage Drink Beer Shirt

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Ben Drankin Vintage Drink Beer Shirt I use a walker at home because of problems with my knees and back. My Chihuahua named Lucy walks behind me really slow. She stops when I stop and when I'm in bed she sleeps just as close beside me as she can. If I get up during the night she gets up too. She is laying beside me now in my recliner. This is so beautiful Ben Drankin Vintage Drink Beer Shirt ! Cats' purrs are also powerful. I'd like to think that Mitcho might also be healing Keane in the process! Our catwalks every day with us when we go for our walk with the baby. She even walks beside us when there is a garden with a dog. Then she sits in the stroller and hides. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Surviving Fatherhood One Beer At A Time Shirt

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Surviving Fatherhood One Beer At A Time Shirt Many years ago, I had an elderly neighbor who had home health aids come and help her ambulate outside with the use of her walker. It was a quiet street and a great place for my neighbor to get her exercise. Every day, my Surviving Fatherhood One Beer At A Time Shirt  would walk with her, at her slow pace, and "talking" to her the entire time. It was charming! I’ve got arthritis and not always but sometimes at night it’s hard going upstairs to bed. My cat Rasputin always walks one step at a time with me. I used to think that all cats are one way and dogs act another way! I’ve since learned that some cats love walks. BUY IT NOW! >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

I Love God But Some Of His Children Get On My Nerves Shirt

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I Love God But Some Of His Children Get On My Nerves Shirt I will be honest I never liked pitties, but seeing all the videos on FB my mind has changed for the better. I want to say thank you everyone out there for teaching me that Pitt bulls are awesome. I Love God But Some Of His Children Get On My Nerves Shirt ! It's amazing how dogs can save us even though it may seem that we are saving them. I have rescues too that are doing wonderful too, we need more people to cause dogs and animals are still being you know the words! must not think so much about all the other that end up not in loving homes.  https://candytshirt.com/product/i-love-god-but-some-of-his-children-get-on-my-nerves-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Here For Beer And Sex Shirt

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Here For Beer And Sex Shirt As I started watching, my first thought was “this dog needs to stay with the Fosters for his special needs”. So happy they adopted this special dog. Here For Beer And Sex Shirt . What a beautiful doggie. Breaks my heart. Please get your dream doggie from a rescue or shelter! Thousands of doggies need homes. Do not support these mills! I absolutely despise puppy farms, the damage they do to dogs is appalling. Wonderful to see Charlie change and become a normal dog due to the love and support of his foster family. I feel for the boy. The things he has seen en experienced. I really hope he finds a forever home and I pray he finds a place where he can feel safe and himself. Thank you so much for what you do  https://candytshirt.com/product/here-for-beer-and-sex-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

George Sloshing Ton Vintage Shirt

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George Sloshing Ton Vintage Shirt They have great personalities, so sad people are cruel. Hopefully Charlie Brown gets the best life he deserves. George Sloshing Ton Vintage Shirt . I got a rescue dog, she had never been played with, if you threw a toy, it just hit her, and she looked so sad, but gradually, she played and was the most sensitive dog. Greatly missed even now, Thank God for people like you. It’s so sad that this poor dog didn’t even know how to be a dog. Those mills are pure evil. Glad he’s in a loving home with people that love him. Good luck Charlie Brown  https://candytshirt.com/product/george-sloshing-ton-vintage-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Turtle Owl Shirt

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Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Turtle Owl Shirt Thank you Clement Family! I was in tears as he gradually trusted and became a happy dog. I was so afraid he would be heartbroken when they took him back to the shelter. I cried years of joy when they said they were keeping him. Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Turtle Owl Shirt . The best kind of "foster fail"! He has a great name and a great legacy to live up to! The first Charlie Brown I knew was a 100 lb Super-lab, owned by my new sis-in-law. That Charlie was the most self-confident dog I ever met! Used to let my step-niece ride him like a horse, and seemed to enjoy it! All good thoughts and best of luck with your new family member!  https://candytshirt.com/product/everybody-has-an-addiction-mine-just-happens-to-be-turtle-owl-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Chickens Shirt

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Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Chickens Shirt Omg, this made my heart so happy when they said they were keeping him!!!!! Could you imagine how finally opening up and being handed over to strangers?? The poor puppies would be so confused and lost, wondering what he did wrong. Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Chickens Shirt  Thank you for fostering Charlie Brown and loving him so much. I was so worried that he would go back into his shell if you gave him up to another family because he had such a difficult time learning to relax and just be a typical playful dog. Thank you for keeping him and giving him a forever home.  https://candytshirt.com/product/everybody-has-an-addiction-mine-just-happens-to-be-chickens-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Dear Karma I Have A List Of People You Missed Shirt

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Dear Karma I Have A List Of People You Missed Shirt I said that...but still feel sad for any animal that loses their home they have lived in and love those people that help them. Also, realize, they can't keep every animal they rescue. I would not be good at that, at all. I would want to keep them all Kinda wonder if that's how animal hoarding, gets started. Dear Karma I Have A List Of People You Missed Shirt . Without fosters to turn these dogs around, and help them find a forever home, there would be no homes to "fix" these dogs for the rest left on the puppy mill farm. Fosters are not easy to find and foster who can work with a dog like this are even harder to find.  https://candytshirt.com/product/dear-karma-i-have-a-list-of-people-you-missed-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Chicken Mask Socially Distant Vintage Shirt

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Chicken Mask Socially Distant Vintage Shirt I feel sure that you gave your poor, fearful, dog a wonderful, happy, life, I'm so sorry for your recent loss of her, but please take some comfort in the knowledge of how she was loved by you and that clearly she knew it! Chicken Mask Socially Distant Vintage Shirt . Mom of two Labs here! Everything I ever see about puppy mills is always little dogs, French Bull Dogs, Poodles, etc. This is my first time seeing a big dog from a puppy mill and it broke my heart. Thank you for teaching him to be a dog! I'm so happy he's staying with you!  https://candytshirt.com/product/chicken-mask-socially-distant-vintage-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Born To Be A Stay At Home Dog Mom Forced To Go To Work Nurse Shirt

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Born To Be A Stay At Home Dog Mom Forced To Go To Work Nurse Shirt I am so grateful that he found some genuinely lovely people who are going to treat him the way he deserves to be treated & that's with lots of love, love you, Charlie Brown. Born To Be A Stay At Home Dog Mom Forced To Go To Work Nurse Shirt . I am happy for the Clements and Charlie Brown but boy is that a dog I would have loved to adopt. I took in a Yellow Lab with a similar background years ago. What a lovely story and a lucky boy. We had a standard poodle rescue from a breeder - she came to us as Brown Dog.  https://candytshirt.com/product/born-to-be-a-stay-at-home-dog-mom-forced-to-go-to-work-nurse-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Biker Dad Like A Normal Dad Only Cooler Vintage Shirt

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Biker Dad Like A Normal Dad Only Cooler Vintage Shirt I loved this video and cheered for Charlie Brown the whole way thru. Bless you & your family for showing him what love is! I was so worried you might let someone adopt him after he came to trust you but thank heavens you decided to keep him! What a great life he will have Biker Dad Like A Normal Dad Only Cooler Vintage Shirt.  Karen Buchly - just a friendly heads up about responding to randoms' comments or their friend's requests. There're a lot of scammers lurking about. Hi there I say amen to all of the wonderful people who helped all of the people. You guys rock  https://candytshirt.com/product/biker-dad-like-a-normal-dad-only-cooler-vintage-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Akita Dog Exclusively At Samurai Original Shirt

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Akita Dog Exclusively At Samurai Original Shirt I actually cheered so loud when you said you were keeping him. He is in the best family than he could ever wish for Akita Dog Exclusively At Samurai Original Shirt . Karen Gunn and he's beautiful. All dogs are beautiful... Sad that some owners just abuse them. What a fabulous story about rehab and recovery for this dog. Shows what gentle kind loving care can do for someone so mistreated for so long. Congrats to the people who have so lovingly cared for him and brought him back to himself. What a wonderful story! He is one handsome boy and, obviously, he found the perfect family!  https://candytshirt.com/product/akita-dog-exclusively-at-samurai-original-shirt/ >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

I Don't Snore I Dream I'm A Tractor Shirt

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I Don't Snore I Dream I'm A Tractor Shirt Oh my gosh, as I watched this I was so sad thinking you would give him to another family after he got healthy and secure. I was elated that you decide to keep Charlie Brown! Beautiful mellow dog! The kind I’d love to have of I could have a dog! Good choice! I Don't Snore I Dream I'm A Tractor Shirt . Your patience love and dedication to this animal won him over in the end he will most certainly love you forever. It made my heart sing watching this and knowing Charlie Brown is going to be so loved and happy your truly amazing may you have many happy years together  https://moteefe.com/store/i-dont-snore-i-dream-im-a-tractor-no2-shirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

This Shit Right Here Almost Made Me Spill My Yack Shirt

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This Shit Right Here Almost Made Me Spill My Yack Shirt Thank you, I am so grateful that you offered to Foster him and was patient with him and loved him so much that you never wanted to let him go. Thank you for showing him love and a life that he never had. This Shit Right Here Almost Made Me Spill My Yack Shirt . Bless his heart! My mom rescued a mill dog. A dachshund. She had no clue how to be a normal dog. She didn't even bark for months. It took her years to figure out how to play with toys. She was the sweetest dog though. We very unexpectedly had to say goodbye to her 2 years ago as cancer had ravaged her digestive system. I still miss her like it was yesterday. She was such a special little dog.  https://moteefe.com/store/this-shit-right-here-almost-made-me-spill-my-yack-shirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Scouting Skills Shirt

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Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Scouting Skills Shirt You are a very caring loving person who didn’t give up the encouraging for the poor dog. It takes time patience and love with little Bailey help. Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Scouting Skills Shirt . What a sweet, gentle dog. We had a rescue who was very similar. Our other dog literally taught our rescue how to be a dog. God bless you and Charlie Brown. I hope you have many happy years together. He looks so much like my Angus. Angus is getting on in years now but he is still a beautiful boy. Well done Charlie Brown have a happy life!!  https://moteefe.com/store/never-underestimate-an-old-woman-with-scouting-skills-tee-shirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

My Weight Is None Of Your Concern Unless I'm Sitting On Your Face Shirt

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My Weight Is None Of Your Concern Unless I'm Sitting On Your Face Shirt I just finished watching the video. Have tears of happiness in my eyes and a SMILE on my face. Thank you, thank you, and thank you a million times for teaching and for loving Charlie Brown and for adopting him. You both are so lucky to have each other. My Weight Is None Of Your Concern Unless I'm Sitting On Your Face Shirt . So lovely to see how Charlie transforms when provided with love and care. I’m so pleased he was adopted by this family. He’s a gorgeous boy Harlie Brown will continue to flourish, Chocolate Labs are just the sweetest, craziest, gorgeous natured dogs! Bless your hearts for rescuing him x he's gorgeous!!  https://moteefe.com/store/my-weight-is-none-of-your-concern-unless-im-sitting-on-your-face-tshirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Judo Because Other Sports Only Require One Ball Shirt

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Judo Because Other Sports Only Require One Ball Shirt She is smart & learning fast. Loves to sit in lap & be loved. Sees groomer next Tuesday & so anxious to see how pretty she will look. Her tail wags all the time, which makes her wiggle all over. Did well at the vet. She still jumps if she goes up to her too fast or a loud noise. Great with grandkids. Not use to leash yet & doesn't want to move when on her. Yesterday was the first time she would walk outdoor or walk-in the door on her own. At 1st we had to carry her in & out. We love her & she is loving us. Judo Because Other Sports Only Require One Ball Shirt.  Being in a puppy mill he must never have been out on walks or experienced being outdoors? Poor baby. Some people are just.... awful. “Puppy mill” shouldn’t even be the term.  https://moteefe.com/store/judo-because-other-sports-only-require-one-ball-t-shirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

I'm A Knotty Knotty Hooker Vintage Shirt

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I'm A Knotty Knotty Hooker Vintage Shirt How awful for that poor baby. Love hugs and kisses for so much patience with him. Truly from the bottom of my heart thank you. I hope more happy memories for him now on. So scared. Put those people in a cage and have a people mill with no feelings of soft-heartedness. How heartless. Animals do feel hurt love and have emotions just like people. What a truly happy ending. Love furry babies I'm A Knotty Knotty Hooker Vintage Shirt . Some love, compassion, understanding, and patience can really go a long way. Sometimes good things take work. Sometimes good does take time to become “good” don’t give up on them so quickly. These stories make me so happy to see  https://moteefe.com/store/im-a-knotty-knotty-hooker-vintage-t-shirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

The Best Way To Be Man's Heart Is Through His Fourth And Fifth Rib Shirt

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The Best Way To Be Man's Heart Is Through His Fourth And Fifth Rib Shirt Just have to say you folks absolutely ROCK !what a great looking dog and thanks to your love and patience you let him come out of his shell when he was ready to learn what a puppy is !!! And you allowed him to have the best part of his life ahead of him. The Best Way To Be Man's Heart Is Through His Fourth And Fifth Rib Shirt . Bless your heart for keeping him, and giving him a loving home he so deserves. Puppy mills need to be closed down, it makes me sick to think what these poor animals have to endure on a daily base. People that mistreat animals like that should get a dose of that themselves  https://moteefe.com/store/the-best-way-to-be-mans-heart-is-through-his-fourth-and-fifth-rib-shirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Autism Dad Some People Look Up To Their Heroes I'm Raising Mine Shirt

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Autism Dad Some People Look Up To Their Heroes I'm Raising Mine Shirt Charlie Brown is beautiful. I have a puppy mill rescue. She does not know how to play, gets very angry if another dog goes near her back end. She has Ben with me for 2.5 yrs now. Autism Dad Some People Look Up To Their Heroes I'm Raising Mine Shirt . I rescued a precious Shih Tzu from a puppy mill - she had never been outside - played with a toy or been out of her cage except to get pregnant then to give birth! It took a very long time but she is a wonderful girl! Oh did I mention she gave birth to one puppy a week after I brought her home and he is wonderful to they make an awesome team Mama and her boy!  https://moteefe.com/store/autism-dad-some-people-look-up-to-their-heroes-im-raising-mine-tee-shirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Jack Leopards And The Dolphin Club Shirt

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Jack Leopards And The Dolphin Club Shirt We rescued a puppy mill Boxer. They are indeed kept in cages & receive no exercise, thus they are fearful of all sorts of surfaces as well as have muscle atrophy. We thought something was wrong with our girl the first month we had her because she seemed so sore all the time. The veterinarian compared it to a human getting back into shape & the soreness we feel as a result. 7 years later...she’s quirky for sure, but we wouldn’t have her be any other way. Jack Leopards And The Dolphin Club Shirt . My heart breaks, why do people buy from these mills. I have had choc lab companions, one a rescue as well. They have great personalities, so sad people are cruel. Hopefully Charlie Brown gets the best life he deserves.  https://moteefe.com/store/jack-leopards-and-the-dolphin-club-shirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

No Road No Problem Shirt

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No Road No Problem Shirt God only knows what this poor soul had to endure in the puppy mill. Probably shoved up in a tiny cage where he couldn't even stand up. Humans sure aren't what they are cracked up to be in the grand scheme of things are they?? How pitiful he was scared to even walk. I saw a video (might have been from Dodo too, not sure) where a dog was scared to eat. No Road No Problem Shirt . Whoever mistreats animals this way deserves no mercy. Thank God for compassionate people who rescue these animals and thank you to Dodo for bringing us this delightful fellow and his success story!  https://moteefe.com/store/no-road-no-problem-shirt >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

I’m Too Young For A Mask So Please Keep Your DistanceBefore My Mommy Shirt

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I’m Too Young For A Mask So Please Keep Your DistanceBefore My Mommy Shirt My cat will sit, lay down and fetch on command. He will shake sometimes but he has to be in the mood because he doesn't like his front feet touched. I’m Too Young For A Mask So Please Keep Your DistanceBefore My Mommy Shirt . Beats tracking litter all over and leaving germs from walking in a crappy pee box. My cat is trained too. She never goes upstairs and even vomits hairballs in her litter. Our cats will sit, stand up on their hind paws, lie down, jump up on an item, come to the person calling them, and many other things on command. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Just Call Me Pretty And Take Me Fishing Vintage Shirt

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Just Call Me Pretty And Take Me Fishing Vintage Shirt I think they should bring back licensing dogs again as well as chipping. There are far too many dogs being abandoned. And people without a license should be found. Just Call Me Pretty And Take Me Fishing Vintage Shirt . These dogs have got to be protected. So glad they have her home. A beloved pet missing is one of the worst heartaches. Beautiful reunion. My grandmother bred pugs and I had a pug in my teen years. His name was Lonesome George. He went everywhere with us. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Skull I Bet My Soul Smells Like Horse Shirt

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Skull I Bet My Soul Smells Like Horse Shirt Those people deserve a dog as amazing!!! Kids are often the most bonded to our dogs! Skull I Bet My Soul Smells Like Horse Shirt ! Get one to love and care for for the rest of its life! Amazing video. I remember those good old days when fathers taught sons don't be so emotional and keep tears away. I hope he comes home. Maybe you could leave your garage door open enough for her to come in and leave a blanket out there. It's a terrible feeling not knowing where they are. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Dave's Not Here Man Cheech And Chong Shirt

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Dave's Not Here Man Cheech And Chong Shirt It happened to me too. Thank god I only use a harness. My dog was hanging in the top of the elevator but by his harness, if it was a collar he would have been hung. Dave's Not Here Man Cheech And Chong Shirt . Also, don't walk your dog with a retractable leash the dog could run in the street before u notice it and get hit by a car. I'm a big dog person, and when I get into an elevator with them I will be laying them in holding onto the collar, not the leash. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Gun Piece Be With You Shirt

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Gun Piece Be With You Shirt I suppose around where I live he'd be rounded up and sent to the pound for being out without a leash. My Gun Piece Be With You Shirt  would go to the grammar school at the right time every day and wait outside hate for the kids a teacher told me if see her go out the hard but never knew any leash law then. Our dog Daphne did this every day for our daughter from kindergarten to almost a senior in high school...man I miss those days & miss my dog. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

French Bulldog Happy Father's Day To My Amazing Daddy Shirt

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French Bulldog Happy Father's Day To My Amazing Daddy Shirt Why do people leave their pets behind? For me, that would like leaving one of my kids behind. Animals have a better instinct of survival, so thinking there weren't be more alive is a wrong way of thinking. French Bulldog Happy Father's Day To My Amazing Daddy Shirt . They are so much better than us in so many ways. Phenomenal guys bless you. Thank you to all the people that made this rescue possible! Wahoo. The miracle you are truly special! Sad, yes but I am glad there are a drone and kind and caring people to man it. I'm guessing there were no other signs of life but one life saved is one that could have been lost, and means the world. Good job everyone. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Sloth Hiking Team We'll Get There When We Get There Vintage Shirt

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Sloth Hiking Team We'll Get There When We Get There Vintage Shirt Thank you all so much for what you all do to rescue those poor doggies and animals poor sweet puppy wonder what went on his mind when he saw you people who leave their animals behind should never have them. Sloth Hiking Team We'll Get There When We Get There Vintage Shirt . T hey might be in the same boat one day see how they feel hope he gets well soon and a good home bless him and you guys again. How can people leave their animals behind, it makes me sick to think that people are such idiots. There is no excuse to leave a helpless animal behind knowing a hurricane is coming. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Dudes Just Taste Better Shirt

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Dudes Just Taste Better Shirt They all looked really big and healthy. Mom looked good too. She must have been able to find a good source of food throughout her pregnancy to have produced such a fine healthy litter. Wonderful Dudes Just Taste Better Shirt   what happened to the mama I adopted a mama after her kittens were all Adopted she had a wonderful life with my family she died of old age but we gave her the best life remember a pet is a pet for life please adopt be responsible. Thank you so much for saving the mom and all those precious babies it is heartwarming to know they were safe, fostered, and when ready, all found forever loving how. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Must Have Beard To Enjoy This Ride Shirt

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Must-Have Beard To Enjoy This Ride Shirt You as the owner should lead the pack properly. It's very unfair to the other dog. Be a good Must Have Beard To Enjoy This Ride Shirt . I'm not saying Ruby's a bad dog I'm saying your actually not doing her any good by showing this.your dogs need a leader so be one to teach them what's right and what's wrong. Its note cute at all. Too Funny I have one that does that to the other with toys bones he lets her have them unless there's good stuff on it! It could very well be that there was a second mama cat who just wasn't there at the time. It's not uncommon for cats who have babies around the same time to combine their litters and care for the babies together. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

I Have Two Titles Dad And Pop Pop And I Rock Them Both Shirt

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I Have Two Titles Dad And Pop Pop And I Rock Them Both Shirt Going to have a pet to greet you when you come home I don't have one anymore mine passed away I wish I had someone to love just a little puppy thank you. I Have Two Titles Dad And Pop Pop And I Rock Them Both Shirt . Thank you to all the men and women who serve and protect this beautiful country. So beautiful the unconditional love of the dog & owner and thank you for your service. People can say what they want to animals are not dumb they are hard to understand sometimes and vice-versa they have a hard time understanding us sometimes but that's totally loving it's nothing like them. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Strong Woman Face Mask I Can't Stay At Home I Work At Meijer We Fight When Others Can't Shirt

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Strong Woman Face Mask I Can't Stay At Home I Work At Meijer We Fight When Others Can't Shirt Kinda YTA. You shouldn't police someone else's child. Especially in their clothes. And you were about to go into a dark movie theatre. A handful of people would have seen it. Strong Woman Face Mask I Can't Stay At Home I Work At Meijer We Fight When Others Can't Shirt  I would agree if you hadn’t been their chaperone, but if it made you uncomfortable it’s your right to not want to be associated in public with the person wearing it. I don't think you were really "policing" though. You didn't command her to change. You told her how her outfit choice made you feel (I assume why as well?) Offered a couple of reasonable alternatives if she wanted to join you guys out that evening and she behaved like an irrational, rebellious, and self-centered (to be expected) teenager would. So mostly NTA but a little NAH as well. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT...

Post Malone Fuck Corona Shirt

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Post Malone Fuck Corona Shirt The sad bit is that the people who made that movie were told BEFOREHAND the impact the movie would have on suicidal ideation and execution... and they went ahead anyway. Post Malone Fuck Corona Shirt . What an awesome, kind, compassionate mom, who offered to take her daughter and her friend to the movies, stay and watch the movie, whether she liked it or not, just so that her daughter and friend could see it together. She offered to pick the daughter's friend up. She was very kind in the way she stated she felt uncomfortable with the shirt, and instead of not taking them or having her friend go home to change, she suggested that the friend borrow a shirt from her daughter. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

American Flag Chihuahua It's In My DNA Shirt

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American Flag Chihuahua It's In My DNA Shirt That t-shirt is probably the most disgusting way that trashy people have used to exploit Kurt Cobain's work and death for profit (and I'm by no means a devotee, I just think we should let the poor man be); I would have expressed the same concerns you did. As an adult, and a parent, you have a better understanding of the meaning of the note, and why it's at best disrespectful to its subject. American Flag Chihuahua It's In My DNA Shirt . But your daughter's friend is 15 years old and at that age, angst is practically its own language. Any 15 years old who wears a shirt like that isn't going to change out of it because someone's mother told her to, even if someone's mother is totally right. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Stay Home And Watch Scooby Doo Shirt

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Stay Home And Watch Scooby-Doo Shirt She said she would walk home to change. However, she ended up text messaging my daughter saying that I was a bitch and she didn't wanna go to the movie. Stay Home And Watch Scooby-Doo Shirt . I feel very bad that my daughter didn't get to go to the movie and I feel bad that I upset her friend. I was a rebellious teenager and I would have felt horrible if a friend's mom asked me to change. I am definitely second-guessing myself here. I offered to take my daughter to the movie alone and she declined. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Cats In The Heart Shirt

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Cats In The Heart Shirt Last Friday my daughter and her friend who are both 15 years old wanted to go see an R rated movie. At this particular movie theater, anyone under the age of 18 has to be accompanied by an adult to see an age-restricted movie. This means that I would need to be with them the whole time to get permission from the child's parent to take her to the movie. She lives a block away so she's able to walk over to our apartment. Cats In The Heart Shirt . As soon as she gets inside to realize that she's wearing a T-shirt with a lot of writing on it. I take a closer look and realized that it is a copy of Kurt Cobain's >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Vintage Soccer Jesus Saves Vintage Shirt

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Vintage Soccer Jesus Saves Vintage Shirt I work in a plastic surgery clinic that mostly treats breast cancer patients. Most areolas (except for a few women, as well as some of the tattooed areolas we do) are not, in fact, pink. Vintage Soccer Jesus Saves Vintage Shirt  exists sadly no? I’m only surprised it says areolas instead of nipples. Not trashy, it's a shirt with a 'funny' slogan on it, it's not like he's out here and saying it to every person in the bar I feel like 90% of the posts on this sub are guys wearing some shirt or having some paint job on their pickup truck. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Lips Satan Is My Sugar Daddy Shirt

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Lips Satan Is My Sugar Daddy Shirt Right? This shirt is funny. It's not at a child's birthday party. He probably gets to see at least 1 tit every 3 trips to the bar for nothing more than remembering his shirt and $4.50 for a drink. Totally worth it for the laughs and the appreciation of everyone around for tits. Lips Satan Is My Sugar Daddy Shirt . That would be hiding your intentions and also giving someone alcohol to get what you want. Areola first, drinks second is clearly the gentleman way. The drink is given without condition. The areola will be provided... because of the implication. >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt

Don't Ask Me Ask China Vintage Shirt

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Don't Ask Me Ask China Vintage Shirt I didn‘t know what areolas are so I googled it. Turns out there is also a professional football player named Areola. And I saw nipples - a lot of them. Don't Ask Me Ask China Vintage Shirt . I'm horrified at how much this made me laugh. I'm 26 years old and the word "willy" makes me snort-laugh, what am I doing with my life. I’ll never forget the time I saw a video of a news anchor who had a little bit of nip slip and a comment said “love brown area” Isn't that already a thing? I believe it was some media outrage over a nip slip or something >>>CLICK HERE TO BUY THIS SHIRT HOME PAGE:  Original Shirt