Sunflower jeep shirt
Sunflower jeep shirt
Why does he have to go? What happened to his family that made him an orphan? I don't know I think that to let him go is cruel. You domesticated him & you are all he knows. In this case, I disagree. It would be perfect! He could build dams in our lake, and come inside at night and sleep with Blossom Possum! I think I will wait a while to run it by Gary. Maybe until he is deaf, blind and comatose!! Sunflower jeep shirt. I think there’s been a beaver in our house, finding and moving all the crap about blocking up rooms. That’s the most logical solution. Not that we’re messy. Beavers. Anyone else wishes beavers were domesticated because those little squeaks just melted your heart? Lol. I'm glad he is getting to move on to a more conducive environment, and I'm sure "mom" is relieved to get her house back to functioning order again. It always drove me batty when cats would claw up my couches. I can't imagine going day to day worrying about doors, baseboards, and table legs! Sunflower jeep shirt. All folks want to see is a wild animal brought into captivity. For shame. If folks watched or read the whole video, these humans have rescued them from a situation until they can re-enter them to their wild surroundings.
In the meantime, these animals are learning what is basic for them to be able to go back to their own habitat. Hats off to these people for helping. Taking my dog to the vet the other day, they had a large cage of baby coons. They brought wild animals into a pet Drs? Whole story........ mommy coon found dead. Babys roaming around. They rescued them til they get old enough to go back to their habitat. Beavers are awesome and are smart, hard-working little engineers. I am guessing most of you have never seen a beaver dam and ponds. This beaver is being given an opportunity to do what it is supposed to do.
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