I suffer from C.H.S can't hear shit I will "HUH" the crap out of you shirt

I suffer from C.H.S can't hear shit I will "HUH" the crap out of you shirt Forget about if you were actually good at it though if you have cultivated 2.6M organically you are probably pretty fucking good at sales. What people don't realize about social media is how desperate people are to make it and how many are willing to fake their success to get there. I suffer from C.H.S can't hear shit I will "HUH" the crap out of you shirt . I would say someone who has a legit account with followers in the millions is a hell of a lot more rare than one that is partly or mostly paid for clout. Trust me when I say people who have legit 2M plus accounts are not concerned about how many t-shirts they sold. At all. You've got opportunities coming out your ass and it's more about sorting the best ones and how hard do you wanna sell out. There's no such thing as an influencer, these people are actually quite sad and pathetic, a lot of them just buy fo...