Rockin' the aunt and Godmother life shirt

Rockin' the aunt and Godmother life shirt You guys declaw your cats for your convenience. It’s cruel. Have you even looked into alternative solutions? I did. There are nail covers that are like $13. It is that easy. You people should research before getting any pet! You people do not deserve to have pets, mutilate the animal because is convenient for you! Shame on you! Rockin' the aunt and Godmother life shirt . Caleb Lavin has meet tons of declawed cats at the animal shelter I worked in. Guess what, you declaw them and they have litter box issues most times. And people give them up after they did this inhumane thing to them. Tiffany Rose He did not even bother to watch the video, he will never be educated, he is very content with his ignorance, it is futile to try to educate him. Ignorance and no empathy. Rockin' the aunt and Godmother life shirt . I wouldn't trust any animal, because they run by instincts, domesticated or not, cats are not dome...